Department Management
With the department feature, you can serve in all departments such as pre-sales, after-sales and sales from your business accounts on social messaging platforms and increase customer satisfaction.
Task distribution can be made by assigning customer representatives to the departments created. In this way, you can ensure that customer representatives specialize in the department they work in and increase your service quality.
To create a department, click the department tab on the left side of the Chat Manager screen.
Then click the create department button and after typing the department name, select the language and status.
If you select the status as passive, the department and the customer representatives you have assigned to the department will not be able to receive speeches. After making your selections, click the create button.
If you want to make changes on the department you have created, click the edit button next to the department you want to change from the list.
Click to learn how departments are used in the chatbot flow.